Monday, 2 August 2010

Collections 2 - Thai Hill tribe bears

Hmong bears, originally uploaded by rufusandco.

These 3 little bears are a bit silly but I love them. They are dressed in traditional costume and I bought them from the Sunday market in Chiang Mai several years ago. I look for more every time I am here but no more bears have made it down from the hills. So it remains a collection of three.


  1. They're Mong-tastic! What a shame there haven't been any more... but the best things come in threes, as Jesper, Alice and I like to say! Perhaps it's time the Mong bears had names? I'd like to suggest Mongtilda for the pretty one in the middle...

  2. Love the idea of Hmongtilda- sorry for the typo in the original post - it should have an 'H' at the start.
    Maybe Hmongbert for one of the boys?


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